E-GuestBooks is owned and operated by the Veterans Interent Service, LLC General Information E-GuestBooks takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following information to learn more about our privacy practices.
Contact Information We invite you to contact us if you have questions about this privacy policy. Our Internet address is located at http://www.e-guestbooks.com
Dispute Resolution E-GuestBooks is committed to resolving any dispute you may have regarding our privacy policy quickly and efficiently. Disputes will be handled by our customer service representative. Our customer service will promptly correct any errors. This policy will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon without regard to its conflict of law principles. Venue for any dispute under this Agreement will be the State of Oregon, USA. Information Collection When visiting Web Sites certain information about you and your computer can sometimes be collected. This section explains what information E-GuestBooks collects, and how it is used.
We collect the following identifiable information about our visitors: We collect identifiable information for the following reasons: Information is collected for the purpose of website administration and customer service. Users have the option to participate in this activity for the purposes of maintaining and securing our site and contacting by email or regular mail. A user must provide the clickstream information (internet protocol address, internet service provider, platform type, date/time stamp, operating system), http protocol information (last uri requested and browser type), other (other information), purchase information (purchase payment method and other purchase information), search terms (search text), transaction information (account transactions), user's name, user's login information and user's home contact information. It is optional for the user to provide ClickStream Information, Other, Purchase Information and Transaction Information. We encourage users to provide optional information so we can provide a more personalized experience on our site. The reason we use this information is to complete the current transaction, contact by email or regular mail and maintain and secure our site. We retain this information as stated by our business practices. Our Web Site generates server log files automatically. These log files are used to generate statistical information and error reports to ensure the Web Site runs with a minimum of disruption. They are not actively used to identify individual visitors. Information Recipients - Who has access to the information collected? Information Retention - How long is this information retained? Opt-In / Opt-Out
If you wish to either opt-in or opt-out of the use of the information collected in this area of our Web Site, you may do so by going to: http://www.e-guestbooks.com/html/contact.html Cookies Cookies are a technology which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a Web site. A cookie is an element of data that a Web Site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it. Our Web site uses the following cookies: