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There are currently 4 messages.
There have been 590 visits since 2009-08-09
This page was last accessed on 2024-06-08

Message Number: 4 - Saturday, April 2, 2011 15:26:54 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: canada
Name:  Elsa Rempel
What did you like about my site?:  Your beautiful encompassing of this province's nature . . . all BC folk should be proud!!!

Thank you for directing me to your site.

I will always remember the excellent moment of having met you for the first time, at our clerical job with Health Canada...and then, to my pleasant surprise, you spoke of this nature site...

...I will definitely visit your website often, and tell others about it...



Message Number: 3 - Private Message

Message Number: 2 - Thursday, June 3, 2010 20:36:04 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: canada
Name:  Michele Humphrey

Awesome Job Meridith thanks so much for all your hard work very nice web site :)

Message Number: 1 - Sunday, November 15, 2009 12:34:46 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: canada
Name:  Sandra Dickinson

Great website. Lots of info on it.