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My Smurfbook

There are currently 4 messages.
There have been 82 visits since 2019-01-31
This page was last accessed on 2024-07-19

Message Number: 4 - Friday, August 21, 2020 07:58:26 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: germany  
Name:  tom yum -
How did you find my site?:  google images googling totally spies alex sunglasses
Favourite section of my site:  The polls! and the design
Your Website::

i really really like your site!! really made my friday shine like the stars in the sky. wish u all the best and a great weekend


Message Number: 3 - Thursday, March 19, 2020 22:54:28 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america  
Name:  Jen -
How did you find my site?:  Google
Favourite section of my site:  Midis

I was looking for a dance dance revolution ringtone and you had exactly what I was looking for. Great retro website. You don’t find sites like these much anymore.

Message Number: 2 - Saturday, March 16, 2019 14:08:56 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america  
Name:  Tim -
How did you find my site?:  Google
Favourite section of my site:  DDR music

It’s like a blast from the past. Don’t see many retro sites like this anymore. Brings back back fond memories of the beginning of the new millennium. Nice job with the site! Glad to see it is still up and running!

Message Number: 1 - Thursday, January 31, 2019 21:55:57 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america  
Name:  Smurfy Sailor -
How did you find my site?:  site owner
Favourite section of my site:  all
Your Website::

After nearly 2 decades, I am proud to say this website is still alive and smurfing. It may not have all the latest gadgets and gizmos sites of today offer, but I hope you will enjoy and appreciate the retro feel my site offers since I started making this website almost 20 years ago.
Are there things I could add to the site? I mean yeah... there are definitely things I could think to add to the site if I had the time for it. But in all honesty, my site has ended up being all I ever hoped it would be, and then some, so I am happy with the fruits of my labour.
This is a new guestbook since my old one got deleted somehow, looks like I will have to make new polls as well, which is unfortunate since I had so many people who had voted in the original polls. Anyway, please leave your comments here, and I hope you are enjoying your stay here. And be sure to tell your friends to visit too! Have a smurfy day and/or night! :-)