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The IndyCycle Guestbook

There are currently 52 messages.
There have been 8048 visits since 2006-04-15
This page was last accessed on 2024-09-18

Message Number: 52 - Mon, Jun 6, 2022 23:37:33
[IP =] -
Posted From: bulgaria
Name:  Timothysmast
City:  Toledo
State:  Spain
Country:  Spain
Age/Occupation:  Estate


Message Number: 51 - Tue, Mar 23, 2021 21:32:25
[IP =] -
Posted From: hong kong
Name:  Bergor
City:  Kirchenburg
State:  Deutschland
Country:  Deutschland
Age/Occupation:  Lehrer

bin einverstanden mit diese Meinung

Message Number: 50 -
[IP = ] -
Posted From: invalid ip address
Name:  Donaldsrj

Message Number: 49 - Private Message

Message Number: 48 - Saturday, March 18, 2017 23:20:14 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Dave Norton
City:  Rogue River
State:  OR
Country:  USA
Age/Occupation:  73, retired mechanical engineer

Long time no chat! The Shrike is still alive, 32 years and 159K miles.
In all these years I'm yet to see another vehicle that so epitomizes the concept of a high performance no-compromise street legal bike-engine 3 wheeler. The IndyCycle is pur sang. You may be justifiably proud of your work. Does it still exist?

Message Number: 47 - Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:41:51 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  DaveJ
City:  Auburn
State:  Wa
Country:  USA
Age/Occupation:  Over 60 now/Retired

Re-post as I am post #46.

I have retired and am looking for a hobby to get me off the couch. I am a hobby but trade school trained welder and fabricator.

I admin a reverse trike ONLY forum and would love to do a build and write up of the build over on

Message Number: 46 - Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:19:51 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Dave J
City:  Auburn
State:  Washington
Country:  USA
Age/Occupation:  Over 50/Telecommunacations

Its been a long time and no current messages from Jamieson in a long time. So are the plans still available? I don't want to plunk out $75 and find the plans are Disco'ed. Any more pictures from anyone that has built one? DaveJ

Message Number: 45 - Thursday, November 27, 2014 14:03:25 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Alex
City:  irvine
State:  CA
Country:  United States
Age/Occupation:  29/Machinist/We;der

Hello I am very impressed with your trike design I was wondering if as it sits can you fit a bigger engine in there like a 1000 or a 1200 cc?

Message Number: 44 - Tuesday, August 27, 2013 02:47:24 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Doyle
City:  Naugatuck
State:  Ct
Country:  USA
Age/Occupation:  58 / IT

I saw one Sunday at the Dream Ride in Farmington, Ct so very cool

Message Number: 43 - Thursday, November 8, 2012 14:26:55 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  austin crawford

Just wanted to say what a great way to show your building skills. Keep up the great work.