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Dannys Guestbook

There are currently 127 messages.
There have been 6108 visits since 2005-04-01
This page was last accessed on 2024-07-22

Message Number: 127 - Tue, Feb 27, 2024 17:20:49
[IP =] -
Posted From: ukraine
Name:  LarryCiP
Your Homepage?:  LarryHok
Where are you from?:  LarryHok

Hello from Sporthappy.

Message Number: 126 - Mon, May 15, 2023 20:22:36
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:   Jane
Your Homepage?:  NA
Where are you from?:  Decatur, GA

I was surprised to see Danny's guestbook open given the age of this website. Danny should be here. He should be in here pursuing a career, gaming, just being himself on earth. I'm so sorry. I was born in 2001, so Danny is around my aunt's age. She's in her 40s and I can't help but think how they graduated in the same year. I'm so sorry.

Message Number: 125 - Sat, Jul 16, 2022 20:31:24
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Marilyn Lynch
Your Homepage?:  Don’t have one
Where are you from?:  Georgetown Texas

Dear Anita , I knew you thru my sister Teenie and my son Wyatt attended a year at the School in Rose Valley when Danny was there . We left Media for Oregon in the year 2000 and now live in Texas . Please know I have thought of you many times over the years and your tragic loss . Marilyn

Message Number: 124 - Tue, Nov 16, 2021 04:28:25
[IP =] -
Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Em
Your Homepage?:  HM
Where are you from?:  UK


I'm unsure as to whether anyone checks this page or even what to write here. I came across this website through facesofsuicide, and I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading about Danny and getting a little insight into his life.

I lost my cousin to suicide and I'm constantly faced with thoughts of the person he would have been if he was still here. Like Danny, he loved computers and video games and so I cannot help but think they would have loved how prevalent and accesible technology is right now. I wish they were here so we could see them grow into their future selves, instead of imagining the people we think they would have become.

I hope they are both at peace wherever they are<3

Message Number: 123 - Monday, July 15, 2019 18:31:50 EST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Alice N Quijada
Your Homepage?:  Na
Where are you from?:  Denver, Colorado

Dear Anita,

I am writing to you to wish you another blessed year. I've written to you last year. You are loved as well as Danny. I just lost two friends. One to a motorcycle accident, he was young. 23 years old. Matthew was his name. He died a day before fathers day. My other friend, Levi, died in a hit and run June 30th 2019. Please know you are loved and I asked the earth why they took such loving souls and the earth says the good souls leave us so early because their goodness, kindess contribute back into our earth and the universe. We are one with the univere, the stars and eternity. We live forever through our good deeds and our beloved spirits. Take care,

With love,


Message Number: 122 - Monday, November 12, 2018 22:55:14 EST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Alice N Quijada
Your Homepage?:  na
Where are you from?:  Denver, Colorado

Dear Family of Danny,

This was the most beautiful page i've ever visted. I can feel God through Danny, his Nana, and Papa. I don't know Danny or you, but please keep faith in the Lord. They are telling me that Danny is in heaven.Love you.

Message Number: 121 - Thursday, February 8, 2018 02:28:57 EST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Joan Taylor
Your Homepage?:
Where are you from?:  England

Sweet Angel Danny.

So deeply sorry that I've not signed your Guestbook in sometime only my PC broke down and I've not been very good in my health for some years my Sweet Angel but very pleased to say I am myself at lonf last Danny, I've misses so much signing your Guestbook and looking around your beautiful website which your loving Mom has done for you special Angel, Sending all my love upto Heaven to you Danny, and Antia all my love I send to you, your ever friend Joan xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Message Number: 120 - Wednesday, January 3, 2018 01:54:08 EST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Coop
Where are you from?:  U.S.

Beautiful tribute to your son. I never knew him, but I will certainly be sure to remember him from what I've seen on your site and I will keep you in my prayers.

Message Number: 119 - Monday, March 20, 2017 16:13:37 EST
[IP =] -
Posted From: netherlands (kingdom of the)
Name:  marino
Your Homepage?:  have no
Where are you from?:  netherlands

Thinking about danny and you anita,

My moods are still going up and down but far less dangerous than before.

My mom died last year of alzheimer, I have peace with that.

I wish you all well and till later.

Message Number: 118 - Private Message