Happy Rhodes fan Guestbook
Hello, my name is Vickie, a Happy Rhodes fan from Kansas City (formerly Chicago). Welcome to my fan guestbook. It serves a few of my fan web sites:
� http://happyrhodes.org http://happyrhodes.com wretchawry.com (for downloadable song Samples) wretchawry.com (for downloadable Rarities) rhodeshows.com (live shows, unfinished) rhodesongs.com (links & Streaming) are the main ones I maintain (among others), and I have the same Guestbook code on all of them. I can't tell from the Guestbook entries which site you entered the Guestbook from, which is why I ask when you leave a message. Happy is living her life and is very content. She lives on a peaceful farm in upstate New York with her husband, musician Bob Muller. She has a "day job," one that she likes very much (she hand-builds pro-audio equipment for Dangerous Music, and is able to work at home). Though she hasn't made music for many years that will (we all hope) change at some point here. ECTOTROPHIA!
Ectotrophia, a compilation from Numero Group, a reissue record label in Chicago. The album, released June 29, 2018, has songs from Happy's first four albums, out of the 11 albums she's released. Ectotrophia's songs date from 1986-1987 and come from the albums Rhodes Vol. I, Rhodes Vol. II, Rearmament and Ecto, often referred to as the "1st4" by some fans. Also included is the song "When the Rain Came Down" which was an Ecto bonus track when, in 1992 the 1st4, previously only available on hand-made cassettes, were re-released on CD. Ectotrophia is available on CD and, a first for Happy's music, LP. It can be found on Bandcamp.
The track listing and the albums they came from: Oh The Drears - Rhodes I
As wonderful as the track listing of Ectotrophia is, it shouldn't be perceived as a "Best Of" compilation of songs from Happy's 1st4 albums. Many MANY great songs were left off due to time. Happy has been performing with Security Project, a Peter Gabriel appreciation band. She sang lead for 11 live shows in 2016, and 19 shows in 2017. 8 more shows were performed in Spring 2018, and 12 in 2022.. "Members of King Crimson, Shriekback and Gabriel�s original band bring these genre-less masterpieces into the 21st Century. Seattleites Trey Gunn and Michael Cozzi join esteemed drummer Jerry Marotta and NY keyboardist David Jameson to harness the core of these songs. Added to the pedigree of these players is the voice of Happy Rhodes. Her 4-octave range is the latest edition to this mesmerizing group." A few live CDs with Happy on vocals have been released. They can be found at Security Project's Bandcamp page. If you're a long-time fan, thank you for supporting Happy. If you've just discovered her, you have a lot of good music ahead of you. Enjoy! Please know that as a Happy Rhodes fan since 1988, your words of admiration and love of Happy's music thrill me and have been known to move me to tears. Happy Rhodes fans are so rare and it's wonderful to read the thoughts you leave. I remind Happy to come here and check the Guestbook entries every now and then, so she will see what you've written. I know that she deeply appreciates your thoughts. Your support and interest in/love of her music means a lot to her, as you see from this: MESSAGE FROM HAPPY! "I wrote and recorded music for many years, thinking I was only pleasing myself. The fact that so many people have appreciated the music, makes my life incredibly rewarding and full. I'm overwhelmed by the outpouring of well-wishes and cannot express to you all how undeserving I feel. Nevertheless, I'm more grateful than you know. You've all made me feel accepted in this world and believe me, it's a cherished state of being.
Love to you all, Happy" ALL OF HAPPY'S ALBUMS, song by song, are on YouTube as Audio-Only tracks. That channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/happyrhodesalbums. You can search for a specific song, or you can go to a playlist for a particular album. After hearing them, please go buy them at https://happyrhodes7d.bandcamp.com/ Almost all OF HAPPY'S ALBUMS can also be heard free via streaming audio. Go to http://rhodesongs.com/music (These things are done with Happy's full permission and blessings) Happy hasn't released anything herself since 2007's "Find Me" (her 11th and the first since 1998's Many Worlds Are Born Tonight) I do delete entries here not concerned with Happy's music or if I feel the entry isn't appropriate. Spammers may as well not even try. I keep a close eye on this Guestbook.I'm sorry there's a length limit and that some entries have been cut off. I can't seem to change that. If you write something long, highlight and copy it before you send. If it cuts off, leave another message with the rest of it. Please, if you have something you need me or Happy to get back to you on, leave your email address or send me a reply email when you receive the canned confirmation note (the one that eats apostrophes, sorry about that).BTW, if you leave your e-mail address, it can only be seen by me, not by everybody. Here are a few other links in case you didn't see them where you were. There are more links on the happrhodes.org page. There's both a Happy Rhodes fan GROUP and a Happy Rhodes fan PAGE on Facebook. (Btw, Happy herself does not do Social Networking) There's a fan-run News account on Twitter. HAPPY VIDEOS (well, live clips, since she's never made any actual videos) That link above is out of date. There are lots of great links, so I'm not going to delete it, but really, there's SO much more on YouTube now. Just search for Happy and you'll find either
xenussister's channel (there are several full-length concerts there now) The Ecto Home Page (this is THE place for lyrics. Note, the original Ecto page no longer exists. This is a mirror at my site.)
Thank you again for discovering, listening to, and supporting Happy!
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