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There are currently 174 messages.
There have been 6039 visits since 2004-09-28
This page was last accessed on 2024-10-22


Message Number: 174 - Thu, Sep 22, 2022 23:26:31
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Miel Roman
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  linked to a Pinterest photo of Jimi

My compliments to the webmistress, for an outstanding site, especially her memorial wing dedicated to Jimi Jamison. For any fan of Jimi's, this site is a "must visit"; a cornucopia of information all lovingly curated by Jimi's most devoted fan. After reading her touching accounts of meeting Jimi in person, I have no doubt that she carved out a little piece of Jimi's heart, as he did hers, and I hope she's doing ok and has found her footing again after his tragic death. Sadly, I never had the good fortune to meet Jimi, but in reading her "concert tales", I felt I got to know him a little bit through her. I even discovered the answer to a question that I had for her, which was: did he wear cologne? And if so, did you recognize the scent? I always wondered if Jimi was a "Fahrenheit" man, and although we may never know for sure what brand he wore, her description was detailed enough. I'm sorry that this site seems abandoned now, but I hope she knows that people are still visiting and gaining comfort from it. Thanks so much and come back soon! :-)


Message Number: 173 - Mon, Dec 27, 2021 20:50:40
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Cynthia Arnold

Like you I love to listen to and yes look at Jimi Jamison. The man was drop read gorgeous. His voice just enveloped you into his sound.. it surrounded you with pure emotion. Never met him. I don't know if I could control myself around him.


Message Number: 172 - Wed, Dec 15, 2021 08:33:34
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Sue
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  Search for Kip Winger info

Thanks for an entertaining site. I can tell you put a lot of work into it. And though it's been quite a while since I've seen Winger videos and photos, I have to say damn, Kip was a supremely fine-looking man and talented musician. So true about bass players! LOL


Message Number: 171 - Fri, Oct 15, 2021 21:02:19
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Posted From: canada
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  Cool Title

Greetings'' Punky <Meadows\Angel MUST be included in Your HOF!! Unisex Redux!! Cheers from Canada!


Message Number: 170 - Wednesday, November 25, 2020 16:46:30 MDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Cindy Arnold
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  Facts about Jimi.i I

I have loved Jimis music since the early 80s. I was a little upset when I heard he joined Survivor. Just could not stand to watch Frankie Sullivan. Never met the guy but he just gives off a bad vibe. I never met Jimi but I would have loved to. Jimi was to old for me but darn I wouldn't have cared. Lol. He seemed like he had a twisted sense of humor. I as a Capricorn have a different sense of humor. I came across your site and enjoy it very much. Great tribute to the sexiest man in rock and roll history. Happy Thanksgiving.


Message Number: 169 - Wednesday, May 20, 2020 06:06:39 MDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Diane gargano
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  Pics

That was beautiful , I can't stop crying ,i find myself knowing how I feel inside but not knowing how to explain it in words. Everything you wrote was so beautiful n heart wrenching . I stumbled across Ben in my sister's albums it was candyo n I've loved him ever since ,I was 10 or 11 ,it was love at first site. There was no internet back then so all we had were the rock mags then the videos so we took what we could . Then adulthood takes you in many different directions n sometimes you loose sight of yourself the way I did ,in a bad relationship that took 20 years of my life .I remember I was driving home from work listening to the radio when I heard Ben had passed away n I got home n told my sister that he passed away and we sat down n tried to numb the pain with marijuana it was temporary. Then more reality n 5 children later I stumble across all these groups for Ben on FB ,and I've been a distaster ever since. It finally hit me like a ton of bricks that he's really gone, I didn't know what he passed away from n now I know I'm beside myself . I'm finally able to Grieve for him . He was such a mystery there's so many unanswered questions n no one to answer them .I feel so cheated n so bad for him .the thought of him having to go thru that the pain n suffering and so young it's just not fair .I stumbled apon one of his last pics n that @!#%& tore him up n I can't get it out of my head ,I wish it was me instead of him.he was such a beautiful soul and I don't want to be here without him.whats the point .I don't know how to deal with it so I suffer with it all alone n heartbroken.thank u for the wonderful things you wrote about him . I don't want him to ever be forgotten.


Message Number: 168 - Thursday, January 2, 2020 10:51:08 MDT
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Posted From: singapore
Name:  heroeglam
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  i was looking for Whitesnake photos

i hope i'll fing what i need here....


Message Number: 167 - Tuesday, June 4, 2019 02:15:28 MDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Rachel Cox

I love Jimi Jamison with all my heart!! I miss him so much, it still hurts greatly that he's no longer here with us!!! 💔💔💔💔 He will always be my favorite male vocalist!! May our sweet Jimi RIP in Heaven!! Thank you so much for all the beautiful, sexy pics of Jimi, and your first person accounts of meeting him, and the details of the concerts you attended, I loved seeing and hearing about your great experiences!! Thanks again!! Jimi is an amazing legend we will never forget!! Thanks again, Rachel Cox


Message Number: 166 - Thursday, June 7, 2018 02:23:07 MDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Karen Griffin
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  Am past visitor

Hey Lisa, I got a new phone and the old Google reuses to sync with the new, so I am using this means to send you my new email address. Hoepe to hear from you soon! Karen


Message Number: 165 - Friday, September 22, 2017 22:17:07 MDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Donna
How did you find Chord & Sorcery?:  Searching Benjamin orr

I loved your essay. Benjamin orr was the most talented, beautiful man i have ever seen and there will never be another like him. I listened to the cars in the 80s but like you never realized it was him singing so many of the songs. If I'd only known.... I missed out on so much and it really upsets me now because he's gone and we can't get him back. Thank god for YouTube. I have to get my Benjamin orr fix everyday to get by lol. Its so sad that he died so young and maybe if he didn't need liquid courage to perform he would be here today. But they say everything happens for a reason. What good reason is there to take Benjamin away? He will be forever missed and irreplaceable. Even angels fall....
