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There are currently 14 messages.
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Message Number: 14 - Awaiting approval
Message Number: 13 - Awaiting approval

Message Number: 12 - Private Message

Message Number: 11 - Thursday, November 4, 2010 21:45:29 JST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Victoria Colyer-Kerr
How did you find my blog?:

I have to say I love something and I am impressed. While I am reading a lot of romance and erotica (at least right now), I grew up on scifi (& fantasy). I absolutely loved the Heilein quote on your blog!!!!!! He was such an influence on my childhood, he gets blended with stories of my own grandfather (who passed just before I was born, thus the blending of them). It was great to see his quote even if you don't write scifi ;D.

Message Number: 10 - Private Message

Message Number: 9 - Friday, September 25, 2009 04:21:37 JST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Kaity
How did you find my blog?:  NaNoWriMo site

I read your bio on the NaNoWriMo site and at the bottom was your blog. I have taken the entire year off from writing, save 2 or 3 "brain rushes" as I call them. Reading about your goal for a millioni words in a year was really inspiring to me. I realize now that I really need to get with it and put my writing first and not let life or my fears get in the way. I plan on continuing to follow your progress via your blog. Thank you for being inspirational.


Message Number: 8 - Saturday, August 22, 2009 21:55:44 JST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Aimee States
How did you find my blog?:  Can't remember?

This blog is teh awesome.

Message Number: 7 - Private Message

Message Number: 6 - Monday, August 3, 2009 11:07:03 JST
[IP =] -
Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Adam teh braincleverer
How did you find my blog?:  Magic.

HAI Loreh!

Can't believe I hadn't noticed this before nao.

Your blog rocks the phat one.

*Menny hugz*


Message Number: 5 - Monday, July 27, 2009 12:38:36 JST
[IP =] -
Posted From: germany
Name:  Passi14
How did you find my blog?:  Nanowrimo
Comments: seriously impressed about your dedication and ambition ... Keep up the work, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you succeed in reaching your enormous word count. Just because I am curious ... do you write more than 8-9hours a day? Less? More?

Greetz, Passi14