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St Agatha HomeKids Nanuet,NY GuestBook

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There are currently 100 messages.
There have been 39342 visits since 2007-04-09
This page was last accessed on 2025-03-25

Message Number: 100 - Sun, Mar 2, 2025 08:24:08
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Nancy Canfield
Current City/Borough & State:  San Diego , CA
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  3/65 to 7/68
Notify of changes; Y or N:  Y

Does anyone know how to get in touch with David Feliciano. His brother created the site, and he took it over when Peter could no longer handle it. I pay for it and St.Agnes site, and David's been updating them. But he has stopped responding to my inquiries, and I wanted to know if anyone has a clue.

Also, I recently had the Memoir Home Kids updated, mainly the cover and thanks on the Dedication page. Itis now for sale on Amazon. For 20 years, all of the profits went to SAS, then the NY Foundling. Now I want to use the money to update the website, and have the story made into a movie. One high ranking General asked to place this book in the Arlington Library to demonstrate how kids, regardless of their challenges, can turn out so heroically, contributing to mankind. I would love to hear from any of you, here or at my email above.

Message Number: 99 - Mon, Dec 30, 2024 16:27:59
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Nancy Canfield
Current City/Borough & State:  San Diego, CA
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  3/65 to 7/68
Notify of changes; Y or N:  Y

"How do I get information on my personal records?"


Old St. Agatha Records are available from The New York Foundling. If they are your personal records, send a letter of request. Identify yourself and indicate what information you are seeking. Mail to:

The New York Foundling
590 Sixth Ave
NY, NY 10011

OR The New York Foundling
Adoptions: Yvonne Wintz
590 Sixth Ave
NY, NY 10011

Main Phone: 212 206 4171

In order to help The Foundling avoid excess telephone calls, and to allow them sufficient time to do any necessary research of their records, please do not call unless (a) you don't understand their response, or (b) you have not received a response in a reasonable period of time, normally four to six weeks after you have written to them.

Message Number: 98 - Sun, Nov 3, 2024 17:41:02
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Mary youman james
Current City/Borough & State:  spring hill,fl
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  12/23/1941 to 1949

4501 Bay ridge ct, spring Hill, fl34606

Message Number: 97 - Wed, Aug 21, 2024 11:45:42
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Gary Bettello
Current City/Borough & State:  New City, Ny

I am trying to track down Julio Gonzales who was at ST. Agatha’s in the early 70s. My family would foster him on weekends until we moved overseas . He would be around 60 years old by now. Does anyone remember him or know how I can try to connect with him?

Message Number: 96 - Thu, Mar 21, 2024 23:04:12
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Angie
Current City/Borough & State:  Yonkers, New York
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  Circa 1940
Notify of changes; Y or N:  Y

Hi! It might be a long shot but I came across this and figured why not see if anyone knows her. My great grandma Muriel Losefsky was listed as living here in 1940 which I had never known of until finding her census records. I was wondering if by any chance someone has information that might be relevant to me. Thanks

Message Number: 95 - Sun, May 14, 2023 07:44:05
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Crystal Cisneros
Current City/Borough & State:  Houston

I am here to sadly post of Barbara Tribocki's Passing on Friday May 12th, in Buffalo, NY. She was sent to the heavens to see her one of her sons and one of her daughters and to be free of the pain.

Message Number: 94 - Mon, Mar 13, 2023 00:16:43
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Sharon Tripp
Current City/Borough & State:  South Jersey
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  1968-1977
Notify of changes; Y or N:  Y

I was there with 4 siblings Maria, Michelle were in 72, my brothers were Anthony and Leroy. They were in 15 Cardinal Hayes. I have many memories. I remember all of the sporting events, kickball and dodgeball. I’d go down the the barn to help with the horses. I remember the older girls sneaking in the pool. They always got caught.

Message Number: 93 - Fri, Feb 24, 2023 15:12:01
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Robert Garcia
Current City/Borough & State:  Fort Worth TX
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  71-74
Notify of changes; Y or N:  y

1972 July 4th, about 9 us decided to storm the church looking for matches for our fire crackers. All was well until someone called security. We were in the Nuns Dooms 3rd floor I believe. Security came and stormed the church. Most kids were caught. 3 of us left hiding. Two were caught and dragged out. last one decided to rat me out. I was well hidden but I was ratted out. I approached the kid and said a few colorful words to him with a few extra hand signals. I was made to view fire works in front of DePaul in the grass with my Pajamas. I have lots more stories.
They were great days in St. Agatha

Message Number: 92 - Tue, Dec 27, 2022 07:54:29
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Nancy Canfield
Current City/Borough & State:  San Diego, CA
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  1965 to 1969

Every Christmas holiday I find myself telling the story of the Secret Santa for St. Agatha, during my time therre. The company in Pearl River, that was Lederle Laboratories, and became Wyeth Labs, would invite us kids to write and ask for something we wanted for Christmas. We could ask for $3 and $5 gifts. I always think that's funny because young kids don't know how much things cost generally. Kids would ask for bikes, roller skates, sleds, o ne boy at least asked for a BB gun. Nelson Rosado said he asked for a remote controlled tank, I believe, or car, and he got it! He had been at St. Agatha since he was 2, and never went "Home" for holidays, though occasionally he went with a volunteer. He was the envy of all the kids. Like with movie and music stars, love and envy can turn to hate. A coupld of boys ganged up on him, took the car away from him, and drove it into the "Pond" where kids swam. It was a gonner, and it broke Nelson's heart.
How about you, do you have a memorable story to share about your

Message Number: 91 - Mon, Nov 14, 2022 14:56:10
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Robert Garcia
Current City/Borough & State:  Fort Worth TX
Dates at St Agatha, Nanuet NY:  71-74
Notify of changes; Y or N:  Y

It seems the group is getting smaller and smaller. I met in person 3 people that were there in St. Agatha since 2022. I was there 71-74. There will never be another St. Agatha again the way it used to be. Sure do miss all of the things at St. Agatha. So many stories to tell, but who would listen. You all take care. I believe there were close to 300 Home Kids when I was there.