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Saved By Grace Guestbook

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There are currently 67 messages.
There have been 2030 visits since 2007-07-18
This page was last accessed on 2025-03-06

Message Number: 67 - Saturday, May 9, 2020 12:49:03 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Janice

I had a cd of yours and somehow lost it. Would it be possible to buy another? I think it was called "I'll meet you by the gate". It has "Take your shoes off Moses and what you called your funeral song, and "The
old man is dead" really enjoyed this cd. If you have one, I will gladly send you $25.00 Thank you. Janice Robinson, Kahoka, Missouri. My email is enclosed.

Message Number: 66 - Saturday, June 17, 2017 18:56:20 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Phyllis Mills

It was wonderful having you sing last night.

I want you back next year, Friday, June 15. 2018.

Performance to start at 7pm with fellowship following.

Thank you again.


Message Number: 65 - Monday, March 31, 2014 17:52:31 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Sandy Armstrong

I really enjoy hearing you sing last Friday night. Will be looking forward to hearing you again.

Message Number: 64 - Wednesday, November 6, 2013 22:43:26 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  James Beck

Thankful for your ministry.

And thankful that what you do is truly a "ministry" and not a "performance". There are too many performers and not enough people who minister.

I pray you will continue to minster Jesus - Crucified, Buried, Resurrected, and Coming Again.

God bless you as you bless His people.
-James & family

Message Number: 63 - Saturday, September 15, 2012 20:37:13 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Bill and Cindy Pflug

We met you after you performed at the Pawnee Methodist Church earlier this evening.

We were the Couple who talked about The "Praise on the Square" event in Divernon, Il.

You offered to send some CD's for us to give out for donations for food for the hungry, which we will be happy to do if you would like us to.

Thank you for being a blessing to us.

Bill and Cindy Pflug

Message Number: 62 - Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:35:35 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america


Message Number: 61 - Thursday, May 3, 2012 09:32:02 CDT
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Posted From: sweden
Name:  keijo

Let us rejoice togthers forgrace and fame salvation to many new home around the world with victory in Jesus blood and be happy too for healing the rivers from Jesus right now to heal the sick andheal my the eyes sight in his blood promises,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden

Message Number: 60 - Thursday, September 1, 2011 12:01:02 CDT
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Posted From: cote d'ivoire
Name:  jared

i want to be saved and want God to be my Savior

Message Number: 59 - Sunday, July 31, 2011 07:54:18 CDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Kate Williams

We really enjoyed the singing on Saturday. We saw you at the Wings of a Dove church in Jerseyville a couple of years ago, and my husband was so excited when he learned this was your center! Hope to be able to attend in August (I know you won't be there, but there is such a sweet spirit among the people). Thanks again for sharing your wonderful talent!

Message Number: 58 - Private Message