My Guestbook
There are currently 56 messages.
There have been 1550 visits since 2007-12-11
This page was last accessed on 2025-03-07
Message Number: 56 - Private Message |
Message Number: 55 - Private Message |
Message Number: 54 -
Thursday, May 7, 2009 13:41:10 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canada
Name: | Auntie Erica |
How do you know me?: | Very well! |
Hi Tanna, Tyler and Baby Yale,
I am so excited to read up on all the good news progress, So much has happened since I last signed the guestbook Looking forward to seeing you soon. Can't wait to do some painting with you Yale. Kisses and hugs |
Message Number: 53 -
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 22:10:27 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canadaComments:
Hi! We've met briefly in step down while Yale was waiting for his son Owen has HLHS. Our stories seem to be pretty similar. Owen keeps everyone on their toes as well. Owen is currently on hold on the transplant list and we hope that after he has the Glenn we will be able to permanently remove him from the list. He has had the Hybrid and the Norwood. The boys have the same surgeon (Caldarone) and we had the same OB (Ryan). Anyway, I am thrilled to see that Yale is at home with his new, WHOLE heart!
Laura |
Message Number: 52 -
Friday, November 14, 2008 16:46:33 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canada
Name: | Mandy |
How do you know me?: | I met you at Jeff and Érica's CORN_FEST party. It was breif. |
Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are definately with you and your baby and your family. You are an incredibly strong girl to be holding up thru all of this. Guess you really have no choice. I have 2 girls of my own, and can't imagine being in such a rough position, no mother should have to go thru anything like you are. I will pray for Yale as often as I can. Keep your chin up, and give the little guy a kiss and hug for us!!! |
Message Number: 51 -
Thursday, October 23, 2008 09:03:35 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canada
Name: | Krystal |
How do you know me?: | Hope for HLHS group |
Hi Tanna I've been Following your blog about Yale.After seeing some of your pics I think i've even seen you at Sick Kids on one of my daughters appt.
I'm so saddened to here that Yale is having a rough time right now.I know how the days in ICU can seem endless. I remember when I was told Sierra would not survive without a transplant after her Norwood.She spent 5 days on ECMO with very little function. 5 1/2 years later she is still here with her own heart.Somtimes they just need a little extra help and some time to rest.I hope that is the case for Yale. I'll be keeping you guys in my thoughts and praying for improvement.
Krystal Mom to Sierra 5 1/2 years old HLHS All 3 surgeries completed
Message Number: 50 -
Thursday, October 23, 2008 08:05:11 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canadaComments:
As always, we send nothing but positive thoughts and well wishes your way. Hopefully they are bang on with the prediction that a med change will stabilize things and have Yale on the road to recovery and back home before you know it! k. xx |
Message Number: 49 -
Monday, September 15, 2008 04:50:06 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canada
Name: | Kim Boyak |
How do you know me?: | Through Kristina Salemi - Boyak |
Keep up the fight Yale. It is nice to see pictures of you smiling and enjoying life. |
Message Number: 48 -
Friday, August 22, 2008 22:27:53 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: canada
Name: | Yale's Grandma |
How do you know me?: | you are my little girl! |
I like the new look you gave the blog Tanna. I especially love the new pic of Yale. I can hardly wait to hear him laugh.
Love you both Mommy |
Message Number: 47 -
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 05:30:19 EST
[IP =] - Posted From: united states of america
Name: | Judy Melissa Melton |
How do you know me?: | I'm a prayer warrior and Colin Mordis' mom sent me your name and addy. |
Good Morning,
I'm a Prayer Warrior for Sick Children and have been praying for you. I know you have a very serious heart condition and I'm praying that God will heal it and make you well. I hope I get added to your updates some how because I would love to follow your progress. Sending much love and many prayers your way.
God Bless, Judy Melissa Prayer Warrior |