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Share some thoughts on Miss Helen

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Message Number: 6 -
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Name:  Donaldniw

Message Number: 5 - Private Message

Message Number: 4 - Tuesday, October 14, 2014 12:31:09 PDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Michelle Shearer
When did you first meet Miss Helen?:  during her hospital stay after surgery
Your best description of Miss Helen:  sassy and confident, Miss Helen always stood her ground

It was an immense honor and privelidge to get know and take care of Miss Helen while she was with us in the ICU at Community Hospital. though sometimes were tough and she gave us all a run for our money on multiple occasions, she seemed to always bounce back sassier than ever. Miss Helen often gave advice, praise, and even critisism disquised as jokes, as she was very witty and funny. i had the opportunity to receive some wonderful heartfelt words of wisdom from her that i will always cherish. Miss Helen has left a permanent impression in my mind and heart, and i will never forget her. Simply Amazing woman. Often as a nurse taking care of patients, you sometimes find that they end up helping you as well. And that she did. I know many of us in the ICU talk about her frequently and will cherish her memory.

Message Number: 3 - Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:31:06 PDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Brenda Gillott
When did you first meet Miss Helen?:  2011
What was your greatest memory?:  What a knowledgeable and passionate lady when I was a newbie with the Monarchs at the Monarch Festival at the PG Museum
Planning on attending on Nov. 1?:  I will definitely be attending :)
Your best description of Miss Helen:  Beautiful, smart, giving and kind. Someone to look up to.

Miss Helen was such an inspiration to anyone who met her. She had so much to give, and gave it her all!!! She will be missed so very much.

In one of the stars, I shall be living.

In one of them I shall be laughing
And so it will be

As if all the stars were laughing,

When you look at the sky at night......

- the Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Message Number: 2 - Sunday, October 12, 2014 07:33:22 PDT
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Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Paul M. Finnegan
When did you first meet Miss Helen?:  ? One of our P.G. Museum Butterfly Events
What was your greatest memory?:  Mist netting Bats Hearst Castle 80th B Day
Planning on attending on Nov. 1?:  Wouldn't miss it!!!!
Your best description of Miss Helen:  Helen was a Tempered Radical

Helen and I shared some wonderful quiet times together.
She loved helping others and their projects.On the way back from her surprise 80th B Day, at Hearst Castle,I introduced her to Post Ranch. I was proud to be called her Bud Finnegan.Thanks for putting this together Pete.Helen thought the world of you and Sandi.

Message Number: 1 - Sunday, October 12, 2014 00:58:56 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Pete Michel
When did you first meet Miss Helen?:  In the year 2000
What was your greatest memory?:  So many, but our trip to New Mexico in an Rv was pretty good
Planning on attending on Nov. 1?:  Yes I will be there
Your best description of Miss Helen:  Feisty, devoted, adamant, super intelligent, generous to a fault

I had lots of fun working on this web site. My biggest regret is that she was so damm private. She just never talked that much about herself.

She once mentioned she liked fishing. I don't fish so I went out and bought fishing poles, tackle and went to this lake to practice. She was pretty ill by this time and I could not get her to go out because she was so ill.

Little did I know, that she was an expert at fishing and here I was going to "teach" her to fish. When I saw those pictures I about choked.

Laughed at the same time. She was really something.
