Tiferes Israel Synagogue
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There are currently 17 messages.
There have been 3724 visits since 2008-08-24
This page was last accessed on 2025-03-07

Message Number: 17 -
Tue, Nov 7, 2023 06:24:00
Posted From: canada
Name: | Eunice McLean |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Moncton,NB |
Reading this morning in your holy Scripture by the prophet Zechariah this PROMISE. (So relevant a response to the placards of today)
Amen. Many are praying for you in this city. |

Message Number: 16 -
Fri, Oct 20, 2023 12:28:19
Posted From: canada
Name: | Eunice Mclean |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Moncton New Brunswick Canada |
Stopped by the synagogue today in Moncton to express our love and support for Israel and the Jewish community. Many are surrounding you in prayer. May the God of Peace grant you peace! You are ‘the apple of His eye’ |

Message Number: 15 -
Mon, Oct 16, 2023 17:50:58
Posted From: canada
Name: | Paul Babineau |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Moncton, New-Brunswick |
I want to express my deepest felt condolences to the Jewish community following the horrific acts of terrorism and evil committed against the innocent citizens of Israel. I can't imagine what that wonderful country is going through and how the Jewish community in Moncton must be feeling. I have always had immense admiration and respect for the Jewish people. The recent events have only solidified that feeling.
You will never be alone,
Stay strong,
â¤ï¸ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡± |

Message Number: 14 -
Fri, Oct 13, 2023 10:12:17
Posted From: canada
Name: | Scott Smalley |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Moncton NB Canada |
In the wake of the horrific massacre this past weekend in Israel my thoughts are with all members of the Jewish community in Moncton. There is no justification for the inhuman acts carried out by the terrorists. |

Message Number: 13 -
Awaiting approval

Message Number: 12 -
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 20:43:31 ADT
Posted From: canada
Name: | Rosemary St-Yves |
City, Prov/State, Country: | SHEDIAC CAPE |
I would like to convey my support for Israel. My prayers are with you and your community, as well as with the people of Israel. May God bless you and hold you near to Him.
Rosemary St-Yves |

Message Number: 11 -
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 14:10:14 ADT
Posted From: united states of america
Name: | Jeffrey Goldenberg |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Bronx/New York |
Shalom and greetings to everybody in Moncton.I was just surfing the web aimlessly when I ended up on your site.The shul looks gorgeous inside and out.What really caught my attention was the sauna.Believe me,I have seen hundreds of synagogues all over the world and Tifereth Israel in Moncton was the first I have ever seen with a sauna.If I am ever in your part of the world my first stop shall be your beautiful synagogue. |

Message Number: 10 -
Sunday, August 14, 2011 14:05:19 ADT
Posted From: canada
Name: | Ms. Serapins |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
I look forward to visiting in September.
Anna Serapins
PEI JC Representative |

Message Number: 9 -
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 22:19:55 ADT
Posted From: canada
Name: | mark & judy kuperwaser |
City, Prov/State, Country: | chestnut hill, massachusetts, usa |
Third (and final!) try - your website keeps kicking back the message "wrong code entered" even though I've typed in the given sequence.
To the congregation: saw your lovely shul from the outside on this rainy day in Moncton. We are vacationing from Boston, Ma. Also read about your community on the website. Question: who was Rabbi Lippa Medjuk? not mentioned in your history.
To Rabbi Yagod: a hearty Yashar Koach to a real Yid who has apparently devoted himself to the cause of keeping these communities going. I myself grew up in a small remote Jewish farming community, Vineland, New Jersey, child of Holocaust survivors who came there in the early 1950's. In Vineland there was a retired Rabbi and his wife, Emil Schorsch (father to Ismar Schorsch, eventual chancellor of JTS). I believe Rabbi Emil Schorsch had held a post in Easton-Bethelehem. Do you know anything of this?
Also you no doubt have Boston connections via the Vaad and Beit Din. Rabbi Halbfinger is a close personal friend and I attended his shul for several years when I lived in Brighton, Ma.
On this trip my wife & I visited the Shaar Shalom synagogue in Halifax whose first rabbi was my wife's uncle, Rabbi David Jacobs, who eventually moved to Quincy, Massachusetts where he was rabbi for 50 years until his death in 2008.
In 1981 my wife and I were married with both Rabbi Jacobs and Rabbi Halbfinger officiating.
We wish you, your Rebbetzin and your entire family Hatzlacha in your important work!
Hope this message reaches you (third try!) |

Message Number: 8 -
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 12:47:07 ADT
Posted From: canada
Name: | Trent |
City, Prov/State, Country: | Moncton,NB,Canada |
Thank you so much for allowing me to take part in Shacharit. I felt so much hospitality and appreciate the opportunity a great deal. I truly hope to join you again. |
