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Richard's Garton and King Guestbook

Please leave any comments about the site and Garton and Kings history, or just leave a message of appreciation if you enjoyed it. If you worked for the company or have any reminiscences you would like to share then leaving an email address would allow me to get back to you as Personal Memories are very important for Archive Purposes and, with permission, may be added to the site.

There are currently 17 messages.
There have been 7306 visits since 2011-06-01
This page was last accessed on 2025-03-24

Message Number: 17 - Private Message

Message Number: 16 - Friday, February 12, 2021 04:23:48 BST
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Posted From: canada
Name:  Judy Thompson
Want to email Me? Go to ABOUT ME PAGE:
Feedback on your Post? EMAIL Me:  Victoria
Item to Send? Go to ABOUT ME Page:

I checked out this website after receiving a note at the Maritime Museum of British Columbia from Richard Holladay. Extremely interesting history (with a small tie to British Columbia). Judy Thompson, Librarian, MMBC, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Message Number: 15 - Monday, March 30, 2020 20:18:05 BST
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Want to email Me? Go to ABOUT ME PAGE:
Feedback on your Post? EMAIL Me:  Frome
Item to Send? Go to ABOUT ME Page:  Retired, lived in Exmouth until age 17

While out for a walks today, I spotted a Garton & King drain cover, as in your last photo on your 'home page' slide show. It was at Blatchbridge, Frome, close by the railway bridge on the B3092. I took a photo but do not see how I can attach it. Looked in v.g. nick!
I was interested having been born in Exmouth

Message Number: 14 - Monday, October 19, 2015 00:55:30 BST
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Posted From: new zealand
Name:  John Ian Hacking

Fascinating story of your Company and its history. Have only read snippets so far but will certainly read the rest. I was a printer in the UK for 40 years and that is how I acquired a copy of the Penrose Book with your brother's story in it. My father-in-law was a heavy engineer and ironfounder and similarly made manhole covers, stoves and heavy parts for power stations all over the world. Also very interested in your New Zealand connection and will now look out for your stoves on our tours around our new country of residence. Good luck with the rest of your research.

Message Number: 13 - Wednesday, December 11, 2013 14:24:15 BST
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Richard Holladay

Message for Julie Cowee, if you happen to go back and re visit this Guestbook and see this message - could you get back to me with an Email Address so I can contact you - your posting has prompted a few questions and would like to hear more about your time with G & K.
Regards & thanks
Richard Holladay

Message Number: 12 - Tuesday, December 10, 2013 15:40:32 BST
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Posted From: france
Name:  Julie Cowee (then Wensley)

Hi I worked for Garton & King between 1973 and 77 in the office, as they paid better wages than I could earn when I first qualified as an Occupational therapist. I worked as clerk, receptionist for Arthur Venn, who was in charge of the foundry and heavy machine shop & George who shared the office and his work.
Every Friday they would walk off together with a briefcase, to collect the week's wages from the Bank on the Exe bridge roundabout.
I also drew up the building plans for Mr. Henry for the central heating systems installed in such places as Castle Drogo and Killerton House (Mr. Henry reckoned my drawings were neater than his) and then Richard Baker would scribble all his specification over the plans and make a right mess of them .. she says smiling!
It was an almost Dickensian office, with small offices half glazed, built round one large room in the middle, where Mr. Henry could see everyone and with a tube to send messages to and from the foundry and machine shop. Very much a step back in time.

Message Number: 11 - Wednesday, March 6, 2013 09:38:05 BST
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  michael bendall

mike my email address is

Message Number: 10 - Wednesday, March 6, 2013 09:31:16 BST
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  michael bendall

hi mike i remember you i was a apprentice in 1959 in the machine shop with 12 other fitters good old days i came with you working in sidmouth for a few weeks i remember bishop like you can see there faces but cant put a name to them i did try to email you but could not get through will try again later

Message Number: 9 - Wednesday, February 13, 2013 00:18:45 BST
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Posted From: australia
Name:  Michael Westcott

I live in Australia. Arrived in 1974 from Exeter.
I started work at Garton and King around July 1961 till 1965.My boss was Albert Saunders at Tan Lane.
I can remember George Richardson and Matthews can't remember his first name.A few others I can remember how they looked but not their names.

I have recently been diognosed with moderate Emphysema in both upper lobes. The other thing which I had been worried about for some years was Asbestos problems of the lungs.
It turns out I have pleural plaques,densely calcified and benign.Pleural plaques over both hemi-diaphragms and larger calcified plaques in the hemithorax and a small plaque in the paravertebral gutter. I did work on boiler while at Garton and King and had to mix up a pink powder into lagging to put on the boilers and pipes.
I was wandering if any one else has had problems with asbestos.

Michael Westcott.
Australia 0397298172

Message Number: 8 - Thursday, October 25, 2012 16:42:45 BST
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Gillian Gear Barnet Museum

We have had an enquiry about a Herald Range installed by Hawkins of High Barnet. Could it be one of yours or do you know anything about it. It's owner may get in touch I have left the details of your website on her phone. It is a very grand range with a surround very much like a pillared living room fire surround.
We have a Hawkins who was a plumber in Barnet but cannot say for certain that he was the supplier. We assume he was not the manufacturer but his name is emblazoned on the range with 'The Herald Range'. We do hope you can help supply information about the range and Hawkins if possible.