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<h2 align="center">Welcome to the Lodge 669 Guestbook </h2>

There are currently 34 messages.
There have been 1996 visits since 2011-01-04
This page was last accessed on 2025-02-28

Message Number: 34 - Sunday, October 29, 2017 07:25:46 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  William J. Morrow

Fraternal greetings to the W.Master,Officers and Brethren of 669.
Again a big thank you to all the brethren of ML 669 for your continued support of the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund.
William J. Morrow
Chairman B.M.C.F.
ML 609/
ML 923

Message Number: 33 - Private Message

Message Number: 32 - Wednesday, January 16, 2013 16:56:33 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Peter Marshall

i like the site and the jokes.

i will be back again

harty and fraternal greetings from my self my officers and brethren Saint Andrew lodge 1151

Meetin in Tywardreath Cornwall.

Message Number: 31 - Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:35:09 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Brian McBride

W. Bro. Ivor McAllister has taken on the challenge of the Lodge Newsletter very successfully.

The December and January issues show how it should be done.

Well done Ivor, you are doing a great job as Secretary!

Message Number: 30 - Thursday, November 1, 2012 16:58:11 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Brian Getty

Once again a brilliant newsletter by W.bro McBride received 30-10-2012.The content as always was interesting and informative. Bro. Paul Franceys article was very well written with some humour as well. Well done Paul.

W bro McBride should be on his way now to Australia for a few months and I am sure we all wish him a safe journey and speedy return. There is no place like home Brian.

Message Number: 29 - Thursday, September 27, 2012 08:38:58 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:   James A McClure


I am a Past Master of the Lodge of Faith No.6830 in Brightlingsea, North Essex and also a Past Provincial Officer of the Province of Essex.

I was born and raised in Belfast (York Street/York Road areas) an was a pupil at the Belfast Tech. My paternal grandfather,my father and his three brothers were all members of the Orange Order. I cannot find any evidence that they belonged to Freemasonry. I know very lettle about my paternal grandfather's siblings - except the family originally came from Coleraine.

I wondered if you ist Master - Thomas J. McClure could be related? Would be grasteful for any information you could provide. Thank you.

Fraternally James McClure

Message Number: 28 - Thursday, July 26, 2012 14:50:09 GB
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Posted From: germany
Name:  jon nights

just completeed my sailing cert thanks to a very qualified bro l think hes a member of you r lodge ;l; m the w.m. of george washington in maine.

l would to visit sometime /hey that mcbern guy is some real character look after him

Message Number: 27 - Monday, July 23, 2012 13:01:24 GB
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Posted From: germany
Name:  christian buerk rodgers

just a quick word from rainy brisbane oz.l m a long lost first degree,er re; st. pats.l stumbled across your site by chance brien mc b. told me about it some time ago. thought l would take a visit send my good wishes to all there tell mc birney l was asking after him .

Message Number: 26 - Sunday, July 15, 2012 14:02:56 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Robert Robinson

Some brilliant jokes on here! Thanks!

Message Number: 25 - Wednesday, May 30, 2012 13:09:30 GB
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Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Brian Getty

Many congratulations to W.Bros. McAllister and McBride for the very prompt, accurate and informative information included in the minutes of our last stated communication 26-05-12 and also the second edition of our Newsletter. Excellent work and desrving of the highest praise.
W.Bro. McBride might have retired from being lodge secretary but his written skills and news content appear to have no notion of retiring any time soon.
The lodge is very fortunate to have these two worshipful brethren ensuring we are well informed of past, present and future events.
I trust and hope that these brethren will be an inspiration to other members of the lodge whose attendances and possibly interest has slipped to reaffirm their committment to Freemasonry and lodge 669 in particular.