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Message Number: 100 -
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Posted From: invalid ip address
Name:  Donaldlvf

Message Number: 99 - Donaldtal
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Posted From: invalid ip address
How did you discover my site?:  Latvia
What is your favourite colour?:  Donaldfoj
Is the universe infinite or finite?:  Donaldkot
How many roads must a man walk down?:  Здравствуйте товарищи $%$Обустройство скважины $%$Обустройство скважины – это комплекс земельных и монтажных работ, необходимых для качественного и комфортного пользования чистой водой из только что пробуренной скважины. В результате него долгожданная вода из скважины, наконец, поступает в дом. Процесс требует точных расчетов и тщательной подготовки, которую выполняют специалисты высокой квалификации, дополненной многолетним опытом в этой сфере. При обустройстве скважины компания ” БурТехСервис” ориентируется прежде всего на нужды своего заказчика

Message Number: 98 - Awaiting approval
Message Number: 97 - Awaiting approval
Message Number: 96 - Awaiting approval

Message Number: 95 - Private Message

Message Number: 94 - Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:48:52 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Georgie Wheelwright
How did you discover my site?:  web search,ref Stuart
What is your favourite colour?:  Black
Is the universe infinite or finite?:  Infinite, no doubt
How many roads must a man walk down?:  as many as it takes to find his own

A belated tip of the cap from a fellow mourner and guitarist from Dunfermline, I am would never be a crass to say the big nab was my best mate but we were friends towards the end of his life playing at local fund raisers and long trips in the car to watch the Pars football, etc, I vividly remember a whole night passing by at a local event and we talked about everything and nothing and i treasure it till this day, he shortly left for America and he never returned, i wish i had possesed the gift of a Seer and begged him not to go, A parting gift was the white les paul guitar from the Bill Nelson Axe Victim album which i have restored and cherish, Loved your words and thoughts, all the best George

Message Number: 93 - Sunday, March 2, 2008 17:51:33 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: argentina
Name:  John Defoe
How did you discover my site?:  JoAnime
What is your favourite colour?:  Red
Is the universe infinite or finite?:  It's like... flat.
How many roads must a man walk down?:  none. He can use a car.

<h1> Your site is the best!

Message Number: 92 - Wednesday, December 5, 2007 13:13:36 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Name:  Robert Broughton
How did you discover my site?:  Google
What is your favourite colour?:  Orange!
Is the universe infinite or finite?:  Infinte possibilities of finite probabilities
How many roads must a man walk down?:  A man should walk as far as his feet let him, but be guided by his heart.

A truely inspirational man. To hear him sing Chance with such conviction, and the irony of those words - 'I never felt so low!' - simultaneousely heart wrenching and upbeat.

Where have all the good men gone?

As a yound song writer and general creative soul, Stuart has inspired me far more than anyone else. I wrote a few tributes in his style, and hope he smiles on them. Peace, Godbless and Stay Alive. Cheers, Rob

Message Number: 91 - Thursday, November 15, 2007 17:39:58 PDT
[IP =] -
Posted From: united states of america
Name:  Ed Basile
How did you discover my site?:  reading about big country
What is your favourite colour?:  dont have one
Is the universe infinite or finite?:  dont know
How many roads must a man walk down?:  good question

i didnt know that he died and im in shock.
im six years off and still shocked.
wow, what do you say.
heres another one i have been researching

Jean-Michel Basquiat.
im not comparing the 2 in anyway
just sharing